Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Girl Power!!

          Let’s just make this clear: every girl has power!  Sometimes we “bigger” girls shrink back into the shadows and let the “skinny minis” steal the show, do the flirting, take the spotlight, and have the fun.  Let me just say—not so!!  Every girl is equally beautiful.  True, not everyone’s features are the same.  Some girls might have greener eyes than others, or slimmer hips, but we are all beautiful in our own special ways.  You should love your body because there is not another single body on the planet that matches yours.  God made you the way He wanted you to be for a purpose.  It’s our mission in life to find out what that purpose is.  And our bodies play a key role.  Your hair color is just right for you; there’s really no need to dye it.  And makeup covers the true beauty of your face.  Most of all, what you are on the inside reflects on the outside.  If you have a good character, a tender spirit, and a great personality, guess what?  People will see it!  It will shine through on the outside.
                Don’t be afraid to express your own style.  Your friends won’t judge you, and anyone who judges you has nothing better to do with their time and is probably jealous that you can pull off that unique look and they can’t!
                Every girl has power.  Some show it; some hide it.  To those who hide your girl power, it’s time to unleash it.



  1. Thank you for sharing! I needed to hear this :D

  2. We all having something about ourselves we DON'T like but it is far too tiring if you ask me. :-)
