Monday, August 6, 2012


To all you loverly girls out there who have never had a boyfriend and are complexed about it, I am addressing you.  Just because you're in your teens and are still single doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you.
And you know, how thin you are doesn't determine whether you'll get a guy or not.  The fact of the matter is, boys take a lot longer to mature than girls do.  And a vast amount of guys in their teens are still too immature to want a lasting, good relationship with a girl.  A lot of guys go for the skinny girls who will flirt and make fools of themselves because they're just looking for a good time and they want whatever the girl will give them.  They overlook the safe girl who wants something real and pure and lasting.  To be honest, "bad boys" don't feel comfortable around "good girls" because thy know good girls don't approve of them.  But they fail to realize what they're missing out on.  Good girls are the ones who will wait for a guy they know will treat them with respect and care.  A great way to judg a guy's character is by your parents.  If he respects your parents, their house, and their rules, you've got yourself a pretty good guy :).
But trust me, waiting for the right guy is so much better than dating every one that comes along or shows interest in you.  Lots of girls make that mistake and it always ends up in heartbreak and a scarred past.  Trust me, if you were to talk to girls who have been there they would tell you never to settle.  Don't take te first guy who like you just because you may feel desperate, like he's your only option.  He's not.  God has someone wonderful in mind for each of us, someone more wonderful than we can even imagine.  For all you period drama lovers out there, he will be like Mr. Darcy, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Bingley, Mr. Knightly, and Mr. Ferrars all wrapped up in one!  And for all you more modern girls, he will be like Josh Hutcherson, Zac Efron, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Channing Tatum, and Garret Hedlund all in one!  Just keep the faith, and that special guy will come, probably when you least expect him!



  1. I don't "date," am in my twenties and in a world where girls marry at 17, 18 or 19, I am great with it. I see so many girls who are home school graduates and automatically assume they are ready to marry following graduation, and they really aren't - it becomes more "desperation" than love. Most girl's don't know how to handle a relationship at that age and so they show interest in the first guy to show interest in them.

    Relationships need to be approached in a healthy way but I think we also need to be realistic about them - our "perfect" guy is going to be human and he won't be... well, perfect! :-)

  2. I think that can be very true! :)

  3. Yes! I totally agree with your post. I never found "Mr. Right" when I went to college. I too was home schooled when I was in my teens.

    But you know what? I have never regretted keeping close to the Lord. He has been my rock and my best friend. I feel so privileged to have His love.

    What you say is true. If we are looking to a man to bring us happiness and fulfillment then we will be disappointed. Because men are human and they will let us down.

    But there are good, Christian men who are also focused on their relationship with the Lord and those are worth waiting for. In God's time He will lead his daughters to the right prince.

    Blessings to you!
